The year is 1932 and the world of the aristocracy is drawing to an inevitable close, but in the house of Sir William McCordle such realities are forgotten for a weekend shooting party. As the eclectic mixture of guests arrive so the belly of the house also swells with various valets and personal servants; but as characters develop it becomes clear that some have neglected to know their place and before the weekend is out a murder has been committed. 'Gosford Park' is a quite stunning recreation of a bygone era with a cast that only someone with Altman's reputation could cobble together, bringing understated humor and anguish to an Oscar winning script. Be under no illusion that this is a whodunit, it is only the characters motivations that are of concern and though the story of events past unfolds there is no real twist and no real doubts as to who the perpetrators are. A masterful observation of human nature from a director who excels at it.