movie poster for LILYA 4-EVER

Flicks ID




Running time

105 mins



LILYA 4-EVER (2002)



Lilya is a young teenager living in the harsh reality of the new Russia, her mother has already emigrated to America and Lilya awaits patiently for the word to join her. As time passes it becomes apparent there will be no call and Lilya realises she is alone with only her dreams of a better life. Her only true friend is Volodya, a suicidal 13-year-old suffering at the fists of his father, her only asset is her looks and it's taken for granted she will cash in sooner or later. Then she meets Andrei, who holds out the promise of a better world, and provides her with what we know all along will be a one-way ticket to hell on earth. Lilya 4-Ever is an incredibly moving and passionate film, Moodysson's ability to make his stories a work of realism rather than fiction seems to stem from his innate understanding and compassion for humanity and a knack for getting vivid, natural, immensely sympathetic performances out of children, their humanity invests the movie with heartbreaking power and the film's soul is revealed in the friendship between Lilya and Volodya, their solace in sorrows shared, her innate kindness and generosity, his reciprocal fidelity and affection. A dark, raw, beautiful and compelling tale, this is Moodysson's best yet, and his previous two were mighty fine.