Harold Lloyd stars in the first of these five shorts while the other films feature Our Gang, also known as The Little Rascals or Hal Roach's Rascals, a group of young actors who played a gang of poor neighbourhood kids that get into a series of comic scrapes. Haunted Spooks (1920, 20min): In this early Hal Roach comedy Harold Lloyd has to stay in a haunted house. Campus Vamp (1928, 20min): A very early Mac Sennett comedy that features a young Carole Lombard as one third of a love triangle. Our Gang Follies (1937, 21min): one of the gang dreams of becoming a star. Schools Out (1930, 21min): everyone likes their teacher so much they try and get the summer holidays cancelled. Bear Shooting (1922, 21min): the gang perfect the art of hunting.