22-year old Aura (Lena Dunham) returns home from university to her artist mother's Tribeca loft with: a useless film theory degree, 357 hits on her YouTube page, a boyfriend who's left her to find himself, a dying hamster and her tail between her legs. Luckily, her train wreck childhood best friend never left home, the restaurant down the block is hiring and ill-advised romantic options options lurk around every corner. Aura quickly careens into her old/new life. Surrounded on all sides by what she could become, Aura just wants someone to tell her who she is. Lena Dunham wrote, directed and stars in this knockout existential comedy, presenting a wildly imaginative take on romantic humiliation and post-university confusion. Tiny Furniture was shot in Dunham's family home, starring Dunham's mother (photographer Laurie Simmons) and her precocious sister Grace as Nadine.