TIDES (2017)
Set against the backdrop of Southern England's serene waterways, a group of old friends gather for a sunny weekend reunion on a narrowboat steered by canal boat novice Jon (Jon Foster). Loaded with booze, the gang - Jon, Red (Robyn Isaac), Zooby (Jamie Zubairi) and Simon (Simon Meacock) - swiftly revert to their playful youth. But what soon becomes apparent is that something unspoken is bubbling beneath the surface. Subtle, honest and packed with humour, TIDES is the arresting debut feature of Tupaq Felber, which premiered at London Film Festival in 2017. Shot in black and white in real time over a few days and loosely scripted in a collaborative effort with the cast, Felber's unique, naturalistic approach brings a refreshing edge to British film, and with TIDES creates a visually striking and truthful observation on love, loss and friendship.