The premise sees one of the crew get killed in present day so they have got to use the hot tub time machine to go to the future. Now all of the crew were good in this film including nick robinson and adam scott. Everybody played there role well and their chemistry felt real in the film. However, some of the other characters your meant to care about aren't that effective in their roles. The story is just overly convoluted and confusing for a comedy. Plus there are some really pointless sub plots in this film that end up really not mattering. The script had some funny dialogue and I liked most of the pop culture references. But, when they try the drama it just doesn't work and neither does some of the humour. The style is sometimes grotesque and at times it is funny but at times it just seems really cheap. Overall this isn't a terrible film but only has a few decent laughs. If you do watch this film continue watching after the credits for the best part of the film.