A modern take on Charles Dickens's classic tale of a young orphan who is able to triumph over many obstacles. Based upon Charles Dickens novel David Copperfield (1850), this latest adaptation starring Dev Patel as the titular lead chronicles Copperfield's erratic life from rags to riches. Set during Victorian-era England, The Personal History of David Copperfield commences with his idyllic childhood living on a beach in an overturned boat through to early adulthood after a somewhat turbulent string of events. Being a fan of Dicken's works (as well as having written and starred in the 2012 TV film Armando's Tale Of Charles Dickens), Iannucci appeared to be an appropriate choice to adapt Dicken's 600+ page behemoth for the screen. Along with co-writer and regular collaborator Simon Blackwell, Iannucci found himself drawn towards the comedy featured within the novel. Dev Patel shines as David Copperfield, and he's joined by a magnificent ensemble cast comprised of some of Britain's finest. Peter Capaldi (a previous collaborator of Iannucci's, most notably known for his work on The Thick Of It) features as the scheming Mr. Micawber, and Hugh Laurie delivers a wonderfully mad performance as Mr. Dick; a frantic, paranoid man plagued with what seems to be a loose form of schizophrenia. Tilda Swinton is another fantastic addition as Betsy Trotwood, and Ben Whishaw's performance as the seedy Uriah Heep lends a slightly more antagonistic presence to a storyline largely lacking such a component. It is evident both Iannucci and Blackwell are fans of the source material they're adapting, as The Personal History of David Copperfield is a vibrant, charming piece of work that is irresistibly fun. Driven by a wonderful cast and a fast-paced storyline spanning many years, it is a film made with affection that is an absolute joy to watch.