AMADEUS (1984)
DramaHistoricalBiopicOscar WinnersWeepie / Tear JerkerMusicKelly's HeroesTrue Stories10th - 19th CenturiesInsanityAde TasticsDave B's Must SeesOscar WinnersOscar WinnersRecommended
An award winning film full of baroque splendour. The talented composer Antonio Salieri found himself in competition with Mozart, a genius, and he couldn't understand why God favored such a vulgar creature to be his instrument. Salieri turned into a hate-filled monster, whose aim in life became to ruin his colleague, but he emerges as a tragic and sympathetic character. He alone could appreciate the perfection of Mozart's music and, perhaps, he speaks up for all of us whose talents fall short of our desires. A powerful drama that must be seen.