Love sure moves in mysterious ways. We all know that... But can you use it in any practical sense? Or is it just something that messes you up for a while? In this, Taunton's second offering, a young couple are embroiled in the strange Dadaist world of 'Erotourism': a surreal approach to travelling with your paramour. Where you don't. The brainchild of the (oh-so) French philosopher Joel Henry, Erotourism involves you and your lover travelling separately to an agreed destination (usually a town or small city somewhere in the world) and wandering around until the magic moment you bump into each other. The use of phones or missives is outlawed in such a game, leaving only serendipity and a shared knowledge of the others interests to help you meet up. This young couple are thrown in at the deep end and set the task of finding eachother in the vortex of London. Will they do it? Why do the two males in the film have moustaches? What is it with Lucy and cats? Joel Henry is on hand to shed light on the matter and give some great advice to those wishing to spice up their travelling habits, including 'Countertourisme' (go to a famous landmark; turn round 180 degrees; take a picture.). Another highly watchable short from the director of Flicks Favourite 'Medicine Pour Le Coeur'.