A gothic, psychological horror from "Face" director Antonia Bird. It's the mid-19th Century and accidental war hero John Boyd is assigned to a remote "fort" in the rugged Sierra Nevada mountains. There, he and seven others, all bored out of their minds, proceed to live in squalor like barbarians. Things liven up considerably with the arrival of a half-dead Scotsman, (Robert Carlyle, looking spookily like Charles Manson), who has a chilling tale to tell. He and his travelling companions, he recounts, whilst trapped in a cave over the bitter winter, have been forced to eat all their animals and then start tucking into each other. He's had a narrow escape, he claims, from becoming their next meal himself. Intrigued, the eight soldiers set off for the nearby cave. Only one of their group, a Native American, warns of an ancient legend which says eating the freshly slaughtered flesh of your fellow man bestows superhuman qualities, making cannibalism highly addictive.........................definitely not one for the squeamish.